Passover Books, Graphics, Articles, & Recipes

"Keep the Passover to Adonai your God, for in the month of Aviv, Adonai your God brought you out of Egypt by night." ~ Deuteronomy 16:1

Passover is one of the most anticipated Jewish holidays of the year! At Jewish Gift Place, we have prepared many articles to celebrate the Passover holiday.

  • The Symbolism of the Jewish Passover Seder Plate article discusses the meaning and symbolism of the foods on the Seder Plate - Maror, Zeroa, Beitzah, Karpas, and Charoset.
  • The Miriam's Cup article and book gives a detailed history of Passover with the emphasis on Miriam, Moses' sister, and the role she played in Exodus. There is a collection of amazing photos in the article.
  • The Passover infographic explains the 7 symbols on the Passover Seder plate.
  • See our Passover gifts and shop for Seder plates, matzah trays, Miriam's and Elijah's cups, and charoset dishes.
  • The matzah crackers recipe is THE BEST PASSOVER DESSERT EVER!! The perfect combination of salty and sweet, your tray of matzah crackers will be the hit of the holiday!
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