Roggio Silversmiths - Unique Designs Featuring the Hamsa Hand

Hamsa Hand by RoggioRoggio Silversmiths was founded in 1970 by Susan and Victor Roggio shortly after meeting while attending the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia. It was a collision of love and energy. Susan and Victor are influenced and inspired by bits of music, dreams, literature and friendships. Featuring sterling silver, bronze, and copper, many of their designs also incorporate semi-precious stones and Swarovski Crystals. Roggio Jewelry is sold throughout the country in fine gift shops and boutiques.

A distinguishing feature of the Roggio pieces carried by Jewish Gift Place is their modern and whimsical hamsa hand. The hamsa is an ancient Middle Eastern amulet symbolizing the Hand of God. In all faiths, it is a protective sign. It brings its wearer happiness, luck, health and good fortune. Susan and Victor Roggio find deep satisfaction in their work and the beauty and joy that it brings.

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